Sponsorship Levels

Partner With Us! Find Your Customers Here!

You Get Front Stage!
You will be recognized as the MAIN presenting sponsor of the Home Daycare Summit!
As our Brand Builder Sponsor we will share your brand on all of our platforms! High exposure of your brand will be the goal!
Your logo will be large & front and center throughout the entire event! We want our providers to connect and find you!
Get a FREE training/presentation in our Facebook Group. Showcase your product or service!
We will place your linkable half page advertisement on the Home Daycare Summit website!
Get 5 Different Brand Sponsorship Campaigns advertised on all our social media platforms!
Get featured in our large provider email campaigns leading up to the event!
Get 5 Free Summit Passes To Share!

You Like To Connect!
As our Networker Sponsor we plan to get you recognized!
Your logo will be branded throughout the entire event and we will make sure providers can find you.
We will place a quarter page advertisement on the Home Daycare Summit website that links where you want it to go!
Get 3 Different Brand Sponsorship Campaigns advertised on all our social media platforms!
Get featured in our large provider email campaigns leading up to the event!
Get 3 Free Summit Passes To Share!

You Like To Give Back!
As our Community Helper Sponsor we plan to get you recognized!
Your logo will be branded throughout the entire event and we will make sure providers can find you.
We will place an advertisement on the Home Daycare Summit website that links where you want it to go!
Get 1 Brand Sponsorship Campaign advertised on all our social media platforms!
Get featured in our large provider email campaigns leading up to the event!
Get 2 Free Summit Passes To Share!
You can click on your sponship level and purchase today. We will generate a paid invoice and send it
via email asap. You can also request your sponsorship level via email and we will generate an invoice for
you to pay. Thank you for your partnership! Let's grow together! info@homedaycareconsultant.com